Cause of CS Joseph Kasaine Ole Nkaissery death, what killed him

Cause of Security CS Joseph Nkaissery death: A look into his passing on



Cause: Cabinet secretary for Internal Security and Coordination of National Government  in Kenya Hon. Joseph Kasaine Ole Nkaissery is dead. The CS  Joseph Nkaissery  met his death in Karen Hospital in the wake of Saturday 8th July 2017.  The passing of Joseph Nkaissery  was confirmed by Chief of Staff and Head of the Public Service Joseph Kinyua.

Cause of CS Joseph Kasaine Ole Nkaissery death, what killed him
Cause of CS Joseph Kasaine Ole Nkaissery death, what killed him/Photo

Cause of CS Joseph Kasaine Ole Nkaissery death

According to a family source CS Nkaissery went to bed unusually early on the night of Friday after he complained of “fatigue.

It has not been established as to what exactly killed CS Joseph Kasaine Ole Nkaissery , but KTN News reports that he  collapsed in his Karen home and was taken to Karen hospital where his sudden death was revealed.

UPDATE: Autopsy results indicate that Nkaissery died of a heart attack. The post-mortem was conducted on 10th July 2017 by the Kenyan government pathologist.

His passing has left a gap in the ministry of internal security ahead of the August 2017 general elections.

His body has been moved to Lee Funeral Home.

p/s: CS Fred Matiangi has been appointed by president Uhuru Kenyatta as the acting Cabinet secretary for Internal Security and Coordination of National


Condolence message from Leaders and friends


  • President Uhuru Kenyatta: I have lost a friend. I offer my personal condolence to his family, wife, friends and Maa community.
  • Hon. Raila Odinga: The passing of Joseph Nkaissery is a huge loss for Kenya and for the Maasai people…Let us now observe a minute’s silence for this fallen hero of the nation, and pass again our deepest-felt condolences to his wife Hellen, his family, the Maa community and the Kenyan people
  • Ekuru Aukot: Waking up to a very sad news that my friend General Nkaissery has passed on .I was with him yesterday at a prayer rally
  • Amb.Mohamud Saleh‏: Condolences to the family of My Boss CS Gen.Nkaissery who passed on, a great leader and managed the security docket well.
  • CS Joe Mucheru: I’m deeply saddened by the loss of our dear beloved colleague General Nkaissery. We will miss you greatly
  • Hon. Buzeki Kiprop Bundotich: CONDOLENCES TO NKAISSERY FAMILY: It is with great shock that I have learnt of the sudden passing of Interior Cabinet secretary, Major Gen. (Rtd.) Joseph Nkaissery. We have lost a leader and gentleman who meant what he said especially at this very critical time in our country. MAY HIS SOUL REST IN PEACE.


Political History of Hon Joseph Kasaine Ole Nkaissery

Was born in 1949 and joined army in 1973.

  • 2002: Retired from military service
  • 2007: He joined politics after leaving police service where he was elected as the member Parliament of Kajiado Central Constituency on Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party.
  • 2013: Re elected as Member of parliament on ODM
  • 2014: Before his demise, Hon Joseph Nkaissery served as a Cabinet Secretary in the Uhuru Kenyatta Government.

Burial dates: Saturday 15th July 2017


More news on the Cause of Joseph Nkaissery death to be updated

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