basic education model of new curriculum 2-6-6-3 system in kenya

Breakdown of Kenya’s new 2-6-6-3 education curriculum framework: Subject Taught

The 8-4-4 system of education which started in  1985 is coming to an end to pave way for  Kenya’s new 2-6-6-3 (2-6-3-3-3) education curriculum framework.

NOTE: The new system is gradually being rolled out and therefore the old system of education (8-4-4) is still in use from Class 7 (Grade 7) to the University level (As of May 2022). 

basic education model of the new curriculum 2-6-6-3 system in kenya
Basic education model of the new curriculum 2-6-6-3 system in Kenya/Photo

Why Curriculum reform in Kenya

The vision of the basic education curriculum reforms is to enable every Kenyan to become an engaged, empowered, and ethical citizen. This will be achieved by providing every Kenyan learner with world-class standards in the skills and knowledge that they deserve, and which they need in order to thrive in the 21st century. This shall be accomplished through the provision of excellent teaching, school environments and resources, and a sustainable visionary curriculum that provides every learner with seamless, competency-based high-quality learning that values every learner.

Basic Education Curriculum Framework Pillars

The basic education curriculum framework vision and mission are supported by three important pillars; values, theoretical approaches and guiding principles.

Organization structure of  2-6-6-3 system of education

Basic Education will be organized into three (3) levels: Early Years Education, Middle School  Education, and Senior School. The image below presents a summary of the structural model.

basic education model of new curriculum 2-6-6-3 system in kenya
Basic education model of new curriculum 2-6-6-3 system in Kenya/Photo

1) Early Years Education (5 years): Pre-primary and Lower primary
This shall comprise two years of pre-primary and three years of lower primary school education

  • Pre-primary Education

All learners are expected to begin their education at this level. It is a two-year programme.
Subjects for Pre-primary (Two Years)

  1. Language Activities
  2. Mathematical Activities
  3. Environmental Activities
  4. Psychomotor and Creative Activities
  5. Religious Education Activities

NB: Digital literacy and pertinent and contemporary issues will be integrated across all Subjects.

  • Lower Primary

The learners from pre-primary 2 will join lower primary in grade 1 at about 6 years of age and spend 3 years in this part of Early Years Education before exiting middle school at the end of grade 3.
The following will be the Subjects in lower primary

  1. Literacy
  2. Kiswahili Language Activities/Kenya Sign Language for learners who are deaf
  3. English Language Activities
  4. Indigenous Language Activities
  5. Mathematical Activities
  6. Environmental Activities
  7. Hygiene and Nutrition Activities
  8. Religious Education Activities
  9. Movement and Creative Activities

NB: ICT will be a learning tool in all areas.
Pertinent and contemporary issues will be mainstreamed in all Subjects.
2). Middle School Education 6 years (upper primary and lower secondary)
This shall comprise three years of upper primary and three years of lower secondary education.

  • Upper Primary

Upper primary is part of middle school. It is a three-year programme where learners are exposed to a broad curriculum and given an opportunity for exploration and experimentation.
Subjects for Upper Primary

  1. English
  2. Kiswahili or Kenya Sign Language (for learners who are deaf)
  3. Home Science
  4. Agriculture
  5. Science and Technology
  6. Mathematics
  7. Religious Education (CRE/IRE/HRE)
  8. Creative Arts
  9. Physical and Health Education
  10. Social Studies

11. Foreign Languages (Arabic, French, German, Mandarin)
ICT will be cross-cutting in all subjects.
Pertinent and contemporary issues and life skills will be mainstreamed in all Subjects.
A pastoral program of instruction will be conducted once a week.

  • Lower Secondary

Secondary education is organized into two levels namely, lower secondary (Grades 7, 8, and 9) and senior school (Grades 10, 11, and 12).

Graduates of primary school Grade 6 shall join lower secondary at Grade 7. Lower secondary will expose the learner to a broad-based curriculum to enable them to explore their own abilities, personality, and potential as a basis for choosing subjects according to career paths of interest at the senior school. At Grade 4 learners will be introduced to the optional subjects offered at upper primary so as to make informed choices at Grade 7. Learners in lower secondary will undergo a rigorous career guidance programme and be exposed to the related subjects to enable them to make informed choices as they transition to senior school.

Subjects for Lower Secondary School

The Subjects are in two categories; core and optional subjects. At this level, a broad-based curriculum is offered to enable the learner to explore their own interests and potential as a basis for choosing subjects according to career paths of interest at the senior level.

Core Subjects

Learners will be required to take the 12 core subjects provided.

1. English
2. Kiswahili or Kenyan Sign Language for learners who are deaf
3. Mathematics
4. Integrated Science
5. Health Education
6. Pre-Technical and Pre-Career Education
7. Social Studies
8. Religious Education – learners choose one of the following:
i. Christian Religious Education
ii. Islamic Religious Education
iii. Hindu Religious Education
9. Business Studies
10. Agriculture
11. Life Skills Education
12. Sports and Physical Education

NB: ICT will be a delivery tool for all Subjects.

Optional Subjects

Learners are provided with an opportunity to choose a minimum of one and a maximum of two subjects according to personality, abilities, interests, and career choices from the list provided.

1. Visual Arts
2. Performing Arts
3. Home Science
4. Computer Science
5. Foreign Languages:
i. German
ii. French
iii. Mandarin
iv. Arabic
6. Kenyan Sign Language
7. Indigenous Languages

3). Senior School

Senior School comprises three years of education targeted at learners in the age bracket of 15 to 17 years and lays the foundation for further education and training at the tertiary level and the world of work. It marks the end of Basic Education as defined in the Education Act, 2013.

Learners exiting this level are expected to be “empowered, engaged, and ethical citizens” ready to participate in the socio-economic development of the nation.

The learner entering this level shall have had opportunities at lower secondary to explore their own potential, interests, and personality and is, therefore, ready to begin specialization in a career path of choice. The specialization entails choosing to pursue studies in one of the three pathways available in senior school. He or she can choose the Arts and Sports Science, Social Sciences or Science Technical Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) pathway.

Schools will be specialised institutions that will provide opportunities for learners to focus in a field of their choice as well as form a foundation for further education and training and gaining employable skills. Senior schools will be required to therefore organize open days to enable learners and parents to glean the information necessary for effective decision-making. Additionally, a robust parental empowerment and engagement programme will be necessary to strengthen the involvement of parents in this process.

senior school learning subjects in kenya new curriculum
senior school learning subjects in Kenya new curriculum/Photo

In Kenya, each senior school is expected to make informed decisions with regard to the pathway of choice based on the requisite infrastructure that would ensure the development of the competencies identified in that pathway. The three pathways are: (1) Arts and Sports Science (2) Social Sciences (3) Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM).

Within the three pathways, there are various tracks. Schools can also decide to offer one or more track in the pathway depending on the ability to acquire the infrastructure necessary for the acquisition of the identified competencies.

Education for Learners with Special Educational Needs

Learners with special educational needs, like any other learner, have potential that needs to be nurtured. The special needs education curriculum model illustrated below indicates curriculum provision for learners with special needs.

learners with special needs new curriculum model in kenya
learners with special needs new curriculum model in Kenya/Photo

Learners with special educational needs who may follow the regular curriculum may include those with:

  • visual Impairment
  • Hearing Impairment
  • Physical Handicap
  • Mild Cerebral Palsy
  • Learning Disabilities
  • Autism
  • Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties
  • Communication Disorders and the
  • Gifted and Talented

Learners with Special Needs Who May Not have their needs met by just following the Regular Curriculum

Learners with special needs who may not have their needs met by just following the regular curriculum may include those with:

  • Mental Handicap
  • Deaf blindness
  • Severe Autism
  • Severe Cerebral Palsy
  • Multiple Handicaps
  • Profound Disabilities

We hope you have got a basic understanding of the 2-6-6-3 curriculum. We will continue sharing information about Kenya’s new curriculum system. You can also drop us an email for any inquiry.

You might also want to read about CBC assessment and grade transition (explained in detail).

If you are a teacher and need CBC schemes of work, lesson plans, and notes visit: Muthurwa Marketplace.

Do not miss our latest updates on curriculum reports in Kenya and the transition stages up to university.

Follow us on Twitter: @kenyayote1 or Facebook: @kenyayote

21 responses

  1. Philip Avatar

    According to me the curriculum is good but the cost of implementation is so high upto a point where some parents cannot manage to pay for it

  2. Masaba Junior Avatar
    Masaba Junior

    That’s Great! So wonderful curriculum that we require. However, challenge is with effective implementation.

  3. Conrad Ondieki Miruka Avatar
    Conrad Ondieki Miruka

    Anyone who finished primary school in the older years (like in the 90s) will agree that we used to have these subjects in our curriculum. The mess was done when subjects like Home science and agriculture were abolished from that our old curriculum. Am happy that they are being reintroduced, albeit with a different label. Am hoping to see the transformation that this new CBC will have on Kenya. A word of caution however – the curriculum outline looks great. But we don’t expect it to work miracles on its own. Society has changed a lot. Higher education institutions will be required to play a key role in enhancing graduates employability skills. I have reviewed numerous CVs of fresh graduates, and I can tell you, most of them are just blank CVs. Most fresh graduates don’t know what resonates well with employers. And therefore they remain unemployed for long periods of time, claiming there are no jobs. Curriculum is one thing. Training is another whole thing on its own.

  4. Nengo Marale Avatar
    Nengo Marale

    It’s a good system my prayer that govt implement to the fullest

  5. Kevin Avatar

    The new system of education CBC is good it will address national goals of education and aspirations of Kenyans as per the spelt guidelines for every learner to be able to fit in the dynamic world my concern is that the government need to improve teacher motivation and salaries and offer more comfortable working environment for instance security of teachers mostly in northern parts of Kenya where insecurity Cases have been rampant since time Imemorial ,,,the government need to improve the situation of economy like debts , corruption of funds of education for the system to achieve the vision of Kenyans

  6. Dad Abby Avatar
    Dad Abby

    Engaged, empowered and Ethical.
    just what we need now.
    cost is nothing when we are talking about an excellent future investment.

  7. Joseph katamba Avatar
    Joseph katamba

    Good education

  8. ann Avatar

    First we need to educate the educators and the future will speak for itself. CBC is the right direction to take for the future generation. Keep moving forward.

  9. Vincent kipropp Avatar
    Vincent kipropp

    To me, this curriculum is good but it will not work to its intended objectives ,since it’s quite expensive as compared to the old one as we all understand the current setuation of Kenyan economy,again it requires parents to play some roles and majority of Kenyan parents are ignorant since they did not underwent trough the same system with their kid’s,,,,wish to know what methodology will the government employ in order to solve this problems which may hinder the performance of this new curriculum.

  10. Mrs. E N Avatar
    Mrs. E N

    Hi there, I am a Teaching and learning Foundation Degree graduate and now working up to my BA in the UK and working in a school. I have heard of instances where children and young teenagers have been abused by their teachers sexually or physically, what does the new system offer to avoid this happening again? Does the government do a thorough check on teachers to make sure that they are fit for purpose? (DBS). Will the new system help teachers to evaluate their own teaching experience and thus help improve the education system?

  11. kogo Erick Avatar
    kogo Erick

    the best thing for future generations

  12. Abraham Kiplimo Maiyo Avatar
    Abraham Kiplimo Maiyo

    I think this curriculum is good.

  13. mburi.g.m Avatar

    is history lessons included under social science.

  14. Milly Avatar

    The new curriculum may not be too bad but may seem meaningless without National exams.
    Junior level should take 4 yrs and the senior level which prepares one for post secondary 2 years.

  15. grace dab Avatar
    grace dab

    Am looking for aspects of CBC influenced by the early educational philosophers. Kindly share

  16. Rodgers kimutai Avatar

    thanks for our new curriculum… will transformed our system of education

  17. gilbert kiplangat Avatar
    gilbert kiplangat

    thanks to the new curriculum I hope it would transform our nation KENYA to the wanted direction.

  18. Wilson Rianto- Kajiado Avatar
    Wilson Rianto- Kajiado

    The new curriculum is a brain child of Dr. Koech (1999) which was never recognized but instead rubbished by the then president Moi terming the whole report as mere wishful thinking and unworkable and instead scrapped the then famous home science, music, art and craft and agriculture which are now reintroduced though labeled differently.
    Now you see, the problem in Kenya is failure to implement needed changes on time as recommended by its great theorist.

    1. Conrad Avatar

      I agree with you. These are the subjects that we did in some of the stages of our school time (I finished primary school in 1999 and secondary in 2003) . I don’t know why those nice subjects were being abolished. It’s nice that they are being re-introduced, and as you said it with a “different name”. Am happy with the reintroduction.

  19. Bernard Muthara Wachira Avatar
    Bernard Muthara Wachira

    Has the new system focused on children’s right and other factors such as cognitive development and behavioral theory?

    1. Elvis Nyakang'i Avatar

      Hello Benard,
      I don’t think there is any focus at all on Children’s right.

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