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Best research writers in Kenya and how to earn money online through writing in Kenya

By Sammy
How can you earn money by writing? Writing is the method of communication which is in a inscribed from in a non verbal way. The internet and the availability of Chart and diagram processing softwares have made the analysis of any given idea and the reproduction of it in the written format easier. Thus by writing online, one can earn a substantial amount of money.
Blog writing
There are many ways of making money legally by writing online. One of the most common means through which people make money online is by writing blogs. Blogs or weblogs is a website dedicated to the informal writing of individuals on any subject. The money earning capacity is dictated by the popularity of the blog. Tying the blog with Google Ad Sense and hosting ads in the blog will ensure that for every page visit and for every ad clicked, the blog owner (writer) gets the money. The advantages are that, money comes as long as the blog is active, which can be a very long time. The disadvantage is the one needs the blog to be very popular to earn good amount of money.
Freelance Writing
To earn substantial amount of money and to not to be dictated by the amount of page visits, one can be a freelance writer, who writes for a certain amount of money. The money earned directly corresponds to amount of work done by the individual. There are two types of freelance writing;
1. Technical freelance writing – on technical topics, where the expertise of the individual on one or more domains will help in the formation of tutorials and additional technical literature which can be sold of the web.
2. Non Technical Freelance Writing – An individual can write short stories or casual writing and publish them in websites like,, etc, where the individual can earn on a pay per view basis. There is a rating system and the higher rating fetches more people to read the content. Apart from this, one can be a ghost writer, to tie up with someone who wants their idea to be published, but who don’t have the necessary literary skills. Ghost writing is again considered on a contract basis, where the individual is paid for the entire project based on the stipulated contract terms. The benefit of this type of writing is that the money that one gets corresponds to the amount of content that one writes. The only down side is that the writing skills must be on a more polished level and the necessity of certain technical skills is very high.
Writing can be a very fun process, for those who are inclined creatively inclined, and to those who hold an expertise in one domain or the other. The overall advantage here is that, one need not follow a regulated time schedule for working and can be done within the comfort of one’s familiar surroundings, be it home or the outside.

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