Best Holiday Destinations in Nairobi County

Best Holiday Destinations in Nairobi County

Being the capital city of Kenya, Nairobi has plenty of fun and suitable destinations to make this December your most memorable holiday. Let’s have a look at some of them.

Best Holiday Destinations in Nairobi County
Best Holiday Destinations in Nairobi County/Photo
  1. KICC

Visit this re-known building (Kenya International Conference Centre). Its top gives a big and clear view of the whole of Nairobi town.

You can also take individual or group photos while inside, for remembrance of that day in future.


  1. The Bomas of Kenya

This great place contains great Kenyan treasure as far as culture is concerned. Visiting it will help you appreciate the sweet diversity in Kenya; as Kenya is a collection of many different ethnic groups which make the country altogether unique.

  1. Nairobi National Park

Found just nearby the CBD, it’s a small park in size but contains numerous animal and bird species. You may even be fortunate to see some of the big five depending on your timing.

  1. Lang’ata Giraffe Centre

This centre was developed in the 70s to take care of young giraffes. Spending time with giraffes can be awesome; hand feeding them and all that!

  1. Nairobi National Museum

The National museum in Nairobi will give you an opportunity to learn about  Kenyan history, culture and art. It stores many historical objects and facts about Kenya, some of which you will never find elsewhere.

Outside the museum is a snake park which has many species of snakes that will amaze you.

  1. Panari Sky Centre

Think about ice skating right at the equator! It’s one calm place where you get to have fun skating for as much time as you want. Go with your family and you’ll have a holiday made.

  1. Nairobi Arboretum Grounds

This is one cool place in Nairobi with cheap entrance fee; favorable for groups, families, couples and even individuals. It has ample space for activities, picnics and even walks.


Nairobi is indeed a favorable destination this holiday.  Pick a favorite place and get going with fun!

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