sample research project paper for final year

Bachelor of Arts dissertation sample: Research topics for final year report

Been looking for Bachelor of Arts (social studies) research topics for your final year report or dissertation. We have got a list of them below

sample research project paper for final year
Kenyayote Research writing


What is a final year report or dissertation?


This is a research conducted by students who have completed their years for study. It is the last comprehensive research done before one is awarded a  degree. It normally attracts more marks in your final grading.


What is the format of writing a dissertation?


We had earlier written about the standard format of a dissertation. It is available here.

Where can get sample research topics for my dissertation Bachelor of arts degree social studies ?


Below are sample research topics for your final year BA social studies;

  • The Impact of Social Workers in  work settings
  • The Benefits of social workers in Hospitals
  • The impact of group based learning system in university education
  • Analysis of Conflict Management in modern society
  • Analysis of the failure of the implementation of the two third gender rule
  • Building a united Kenya: A case study of Tanzania
  • The failures of Kenya’s Electoral System: Case study of ECK
  • Correlation between Elections and peace in Kenya
  • The Collapse of the family unit in Kenya
  • Tribalism and work challenges in Kenya.


You can also find samples of final year reports in the link above.


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