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in KNEC by
Is certification letter applied manually or online? How long will it take for the documents to be verified by the knec incase you apply online?

1 Answer

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by (47.6k points)
KNEC Certification of exams is the issuance of a certificate letter to applicants who have lost their original certificates while confirmation of results is the sending of exam results to the employer or institution to confirm the applicant or student’s results.

Exam certification and confirmation of results is in most cases necessary when you have lost your original exam certificate.

It takes about 15 days for your exams to be certified or confirmed. You will receive a text message (sms) alerting you to collect your certification letter once it is ready.

The process is done online via QMIS KNEC portal: https://qmis.knec.ac.ke/
How long does it take for stage 1 to be completed(the confirmation of documents and details)

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