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Kiswahili Language Activities Grade One textbooks for learners.

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by (47.6k points)

Kiswahili Language Activities Grade 1 CBC textbooks approved by KICD for Kiswahili Learners and teachers include;

  • Nyota ya Kiswahili by JKF  Publishers: Price (Ksh. 300).

  • Kiswahili Dadisi Mazoezi ya Lugha by Oxford University Press Publishers: Price (Ksh. 200)

  • Longhorn Primary Kiswahili Activities by Longhorn Publishers: Price (Ksh. 440)

  • Kiswahili Angaza Grade 1 by EAEP Publishers: Price (Ksh. 385)

  • KLB Visionaries Learner’s Book by Kenya Literature Bureau Publishers: Price (Ksh. 160)

  • Utamu Wa Kiswahili G1 by Herald Education Publishers: Price (Ksh. 285)

Where to buy Kiswahili Grade 1 Books .

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