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What are the benefits of glaciated landscape to man?

1 Answer

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by (47.6k points)

Benefits of glaciated landscape to man include;

  • Glacial erosion exposes minerals which are easy to exploit
  • Fiord coastline provide good fishing grounds because they are deep and sheltered
  • Glacial lakes provided natural water – ways e.g. Great lakes of North America
  • Glaciated uplands provide suitable grazing lands as they form fine benches on which summer pastures grow e.g. in Switzerland 
  • Waterfalls formed by rivers which flow through hanging valleys provide sites for generating hydroelectricity
  • Alluvial fans and out-wash plains are good sites for agriculture
  • Glaciated landscape has features which attract tourists
  • Natural harbours from fiords since they are deep.

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asked Mar 23, 2021 in Revision by anonymous
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