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in KNEC by
I want to download KNEC list of uncollected certificate

1 Answer

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by (47.6k points)
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If you did not collect your KCSE or KCPE certificate between 2001 and 2020, then you can download pdf attached below and view whether your index number is on the list of uncollected certificates. The list has the exam year, the candidate’s index number, and the candidate’s name.

If you cannot see your index number in the list and you have not collected your KCSE or KCPE certificate, then kindly note that not all candidates have been included.  The list is only for schools that submitted details of uncollected certificates to KNEC.

List of  KCSE uncollected certificates

To view or download pdf file login or register for free.

List of KCPE uncollected certificates

To view or download pdf file login or register for free.

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