5 Pitfalls to Avoid in a New Relationship

5 Pitfalls to Avoid in a New Relationship



“Brand new love is like a brand new toy,” sings Garnett Silk in his hit song Place in Your Heart. Nothing beats the exhilaration of falling in love anew, or for the first time. Nonetheless, unbelievably good things have caveats that if not handled well, can turn sweetness to bitterness in a flash. Here are some pitfalls that you should be on the lookout to avoid killing your relationship before it blossoms.


Overly Obsessing


It is natural to want to spend all the time in the world with your new-found love. After all, don’t they mean the world to you? Despite the excitement, intrigue and passion, devoting all focus in your life to your partner will smother her sooner than later. Additionally, being too obsessed with your lover makes you look clingy and needy. It is imperative to give your significant other space for them to value and appreciate how much you mean to them.

Changing Immediately

The temptation to want to become a better person for your lover is a pitfall many have fallen into. While it is okay to want to be a better person, do not forget that your partner did not fall in love with the new you. Stay true to yourself and your partner to give yourselves the opportunity to grow together in love.

Moving too Quick

Lasting relationships are a result of gradual growth that leads to a deep understanding of each other. The intensity of new love may mislead you to start making big decisions like sexual intimacy and joint investments before the appropriate time. It is important to keep in mind that the intensity will fade sooner and when reality sinks, some decisions may be difficult to reverse. Take your time to get to know your partner and build a strong understanding of each other.

Brining Up Your Ex

As much as your ex may have been the ideal type, you need to keep in mind that they have no stake in your present relationship. Comparing your present partner to your past flame will only inhibit growth in the new relationship as you will be stuck in the past. It is also unfair to expect your current lover to fill the shoes of your ex in every little manner. It is okay to appreciate the past that moulded you to become who you are. Nonetheless, it is difficult to understand what you want in a new relationship unless you let go of past baggage.

Being Overly Cautious


They key to leading a happier life is avoiding past mistakes. Nevertheless, being overly cautious limits you from bringing your best side forth. Poring over every single detail may lead you to read too much into trivial things that are otherwise harmless to the relationship. Instead, forge an honest relationship and let it flourish freely from negative energy.

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