2017 elections May Record Most Poll Petitions in Kenyan History

2017 elections May Record Most Poll Petitions in Kenyan History



Massive irregularities unearthed during Raila Odinga’s petition challenging Uhuru Kenyatta’s victory seems to have opened the floodgates for more petitions. Perhaps emboldened by the Supreme Court’s move to nullify the presidential election, petitioners are confident of getting a fair hearing. Several losers have either filed their petitions or are in the process of compiling them before the deadline.

Machako’s Governor Aflred Mutua’s win is under threat of being nullified after bitter rival Wavinya Ndeti filed a petition challenging his victory. Wavinya says there was massive rigging and that she is confident the court will overturn Mutua’s re-election. Wavinya’s woes started long before the election after her nomination was temporarily halted on grounds of eligibility.

Martha Karua filed her petition challenging Anne Waiguru’s win of the Kirinyaga gubernatorial race at the Kerugoya High Court. Karua claims that 58,000 votes were illegally fed into the KIEMS system in favour of the ex-devolution CS.

Farah Maalim, the former deputy speaker in the National Assembly, has filed his petition challenging Mr. Aden Duale’s victory as Garissa Town Member of Parliament. Mr. Maalim said the National Assembly Majority Leader’s election is invalid and should be nullified. Maalim asked the court to order the IEBC to produce all voting material used during the elections within 48 hours.

Former Lamu Governor Issa Timamy has filed his petition at the Malindi High Court, challenging Fahim Twaha’s election as governor. Timamy wants the court to order a recount of votes cast to determine if his opponent was validly elected. His affidavit indicated that several polling stations had pre-marked ballots. Timamy also claims that about 300 registered voters were unable to cast their votes after their names mysteriously disappeared from the KIEMS system.

As of last night, Steve Mbogo, who vied for the Starehe Parliamentary seat was finalizing his petition challenging musician Charles Kanyi’s (Jaguar) victory.

Embakasi East Parliamentary aspirant Francis Mureithi has petitioned Babu Owino’s win, citing massive fraud.


This year may see the highest number of election petition filed going by the massive irregularities witnessed.

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