ban of scrap metal business in kenya by Uhuru Kenyatta

Uhuru orders ban of scrap metal business in Kenya until laws are put in place



President Uhuru Kenyatta has today announced the banning of the importation, exportation, and trading of scrap metal in Kenya until laws are put in place on how the business should operate.

ban of scrap metal business in kenya by Uhuru Kenyatta
Uhuru Kenyatta/Photo

President on the ban of scrap metal business

While speaking at the National Police College in Kiganjo, President Uhuru Kenyatta indicated that the county has witnessed the destruction of different signboards and towers of transmission lines coming down due to vandalism.  He gave an example of Naivasha where people unbolted transmission lines and masts to create chaos.

President Uhuru went ahead to say that starting 20th January 2022, a moratorium (ban) has been imposed on the exportation or buying and selling of any scrap material until guidelines have been put in place to ensure that the scrap material business does not lead to the destruction of the government or other people’s investment.

What this means is that the scrap metal business has been banned until regulations have been put in place on how the business operates.  

The ball is now in the hand of parliamentarians to ensure that guidelines or laws are put in place on how the scrap metal business should be operated in Kenya to avoid the destruction of personal and business property.

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