Clinical Officers want interns posted in 7 Days and UHC staff absorbed

Clinical Officers want interns posted in 7 Days and UHC staff absorbed

Kenya Union of Clinical Officers has issued a statement demanding the absorption of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Staff and the posting of interns, among other issues. Below is part of the statement.

Absorbing Universal Health Coverage Staff

The health sector Unions, the Ministry of Health, and the Council of Governors agreed on the absorption of UHC staff before the expiry of their contracts in May 2024. The Senate also directed the Ministry of Health and Council of Governors to absorb all contracted staff including UHC, CHERP and others contracted during in the pandemic.

We are concerned that though their contracts are ending in May 2024, they have not been advised on their fate.

Delayed Posting of Interns

It is becoming a discomforting norm that interns have to demonstrate or protest to be posted for internship. These delays are costly to these interns as they cannot engage in any income-generating activity without their practicing license.

In view of the foregoing, we demand as follows;

1. The MoH and CoG to convene an urgent consultative meeting on absorption of UHC staff by Friday 1st March 2024 failure to which we shall mobilize UHC staff to start countrywide demonstrations on Monday 4th 2024.

2. The Ministry of Health immediately posts interns within the next 7 days, failure to which the interns will start picketing until they are posted.

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