Government to Embark On Biometric Registration of Civil Servants

Government to Embark On Biometric Registration of Civil Servants

Ministry of Public Service, Performance and Delivery Management CS Moses Kuria has indicated that the government will roll out biometric registration of civil servants to weed out ghost workers. This includes county government workers. Below is his statement

Biometric registration of civil servants to weed out ghost workers

Moses Kuria posted, " As a country that is very religious, we are not doing very well in chasing away ghosts (workers). This country is full of ghosts (workers). We are paying ghost civil servants, and ghost teachers. We are spending capitation on ghost students. We are sending cash transfers to ghost elderly citizens.

As we accelerate our prayers to exorcise ghosts, the Ministry of Public Service will embark on biometric registration of all the 900,000 of us who are paid by the taxpayers including counties. A payroll audit is also underway"

Recently, the Public Service Commission and Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) announced that they had partnered to identify cases of government employees who used fake academic certificates to be employed in the public sector.  Over 2,000 civil servants who were employed using fake academic credentials are currently being investigated.

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