Musalia on Kenya and Ethiopia bilateral agreement (trade expansion)

Musalia on Kenya and Ethiopia bilateral agreement (trade expansion)

Ministry of Foreign and Diaspora Affairs Musalia Mudavadi has today announced that Kenya and Ethiopia have concluded a joint framework to promote bilateral cooperation, which includes resolving trade barriers. Below is the full statement.

Kenya and Ethiopia Bilateral Agreement - 2024

Kenya and Ethiopia today conclude a strategic framework to promote bilateral cooperation in key areas of economic and social development.

The 36th Ethiopia-Kenya Joint Ministerial Commission (JMC) anchors bilateral relations between Kenya and Ethiopia on economic, social, security and foreign relations cooperation, said Prime Cabinet Secretary and Cabinet Secretary for Foreign and Diaspora Affairs Musalia Mudavadi, who co-chaired the JMC with Ethiopia's Foreign Minister Ambassador Taye Atske Selassie.

"I am excited by this great opportunity to explore ways to strengthen the friendly relations between our two countries," Mudavadi said.

He underlined the need for Kenya and Ethiopia to resolve trade barriers, including tariff and non-tariff barriers, that stifle expansion of trade between the two partners.

The two countries pledged to enhance their cooperation and signed memorandum of understanding in seven specific areas-tourism, wildlife, culture, blue economy, petroleum,

correctional services and capacity building in public service.

Selassie reiterated Ethiopia's commitment to work for peace and prosperity, including through enhanced security along the common border.

The two sides further agreed to promote parliamentary diplomacy through exchange visits by the speakers of Kenya's National Assembly and Ethiopia's House of Peoples Representatives.

The 36th JMC further provided an opportunity for Kenya and Ethiopia to enhance their cooperation in regional and global issues of mutual interest.

The JMC, established in 1963, aims to deepen historical ties between the two countries and promote prosperity of the people of the two countries.

The agreed minutes of the two sides set the stage for the implementation of decisions with far reaching impact on bilateral ties. The two sides further agreed on time bound monitoring, including a midterm review hosted by Kenya on February 2025, to assess progress and prepare for the next JMC in 2026.

Mudavadi and Selassie appreciated the JMC negotiation teams spearheaded by Ambassador Fisseh Shawul, Ethiopia's Director General for Africa Affairs and Kenya's Ambassador Moi Lemoshira, Director General Bilateral and Political Affairs.

The Kenyan delegation included Amb. George Orina, Kenya's envoy in Addis and Mr. Chimwaga Mongo, Secretary, State Department for Roads.

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