JSC publishes Chief Registrar of the Judiciary shortlisted candidates

JSC publishes Chief Registrar of the Judiciary shortlisted candidates

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) has published a list of candidates who have been short-listed for the position of chief registrar of the judiciary. Below is a statement from the Judiciary about the shortlisting. 

Chief Registrar of the Judiciary list of shortlisted candidates, 2024

Following the advertisement of the position of Chief Registrar of the Judiciary, the Commission received a total of forty-three (43) applications.

Having reviewed the applications for completeness and conformity with the constitutional and statutory requirements set out in the advertisement Ref. V/No. 30/2023 of 23rd October 2023, the Commission shortlisted a total of seven [7] candidates.

Interviews for shortlisted candidates will be conducted by the Judicial Service Commission on 18th March 2024 at the time indicated in the interview schedule below at the Judicial Service Commission Boardroom, CBK Pension Towers, 13th Floor, Harambee Avenue, Nairobi.

  1. Macharia Rose Wachuka: 18.3.2024 - 8.00am to 9.00 am
  2. Ouma Jack Busalile Mwimali: 18.3.2024 - 9.00am to 10.00am
  3. Mokaya Frida Boyani: 18.3.2024 - 10.00 am to 11.00 am
  4. Wambeti Anne Ireri: 18.3.2024 - 11.30 am to 12.30 pm
  5. Ndemo Paul Maina: 18.3.2024 - 12.30 pm to 1.30 pm
  6. Kendagor Caroline Jepyegen: 18.3.2024 - 2.30 pm to 3.30 pm
  7. Kandet Kennedy Lenkamai: 18.3.2024 - 3.30 pm to 4.30 pm

Members of the public have been invited to avail in writing any information of interest in respect to any of the shortlisted candidates using the contacts above.

JSC says that any member of the public who submits information regarding the shortlisted candidates may be interviewed, but the information will be kept confidential.

The roles of the Chief Registrar include but are not limited to preparing estimates of expenditure, in charge of administration issues, procurement, etc.


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Timothy sakoi tooshi - Feb 18, 2024