EACC Statement on the Use of Fake Certificates to get Employment

EACC Statement on the Use of Fake Certificates to get Employment

EACC CEO Mr. Twalib Mbarak on February 13, 2024 issued a statement regarding the rising cases of using fake academic certificates to get employment in government corporations. Below is a slightly edited excerpt from the statement.

EACC CEO on the Use of Fake Academic Certificates in Public Service

I won't delve into extensive details, but I need to address several crucial issues concerning the prevailing problem in our country. It has become almost customary within various government entities to witness instances where unscrupulous individuals secure employment by using either fake or legitimately acquired certificates that do not belong to them.

For instance, we have cases where individuals possess a genuine university degree, but they gained admission by using a forged Form Four certificate. In other scenarios, individuals may hold a legitimate degree but entered the university using a relative's Form Four certificate.

First and foremost, we express our gratitude to the PSC for providing a report on instances of individuals employed using fake certificates. As the agency responsible for the employment of all public servants, this is a commendable step forward. 

As noted by DCI, Why should someone be employed without merit? Embracing the use of fake certificates perpetuates a nationwide problem. It sends a message that undermines the credibility of the Kenyan certification system, tarnishing the reputation of our esteemed education system.

When individuals are identified through vetting and authentication processes, the DCI will scrutinize the forgery aspect. Simultaneously, efforts will be made to recover the funds earned during the period of illegitimate employment. Legal proceedings are underway, and we intend to reclaim the wages received during the period of employment. Additionally, criminal charges will be pursued.

If you are not qualified for a position, then you are not fit for that role. Honesty is paramount in the public service. Present your legitimate certificates: an E is an E, an A is an A, and a degree is a degree. This should be a straightforward process. However, when we permit the use of fake certificates, it contributes to a growing problem, often encouraged by senior officers in various government entities.

Leaders, whether at the county or corporate level, play a role in perpetuating this issue. Governors, for example, may be culpable for encouraging young people to engage in criminal activities. Recruitment officers are given directives to overlook the discrepancies in a candidate's qualifications, sending the message that securing employment is the priority.

While we acknowledge resource limitations, when the DCI, EACC, or PSC catches up with you, there are consequences to face. The criminal aspect may lead to imprisonment, and efforts will be made to recover any wrongfully earned wages. This is the reality of the situation.

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