Aga Khan University and Kilifi County Sign MOU on Research and Training

Aga Khan University and Kilifi County Sign MOU on Research and Training

The Kilifi County Government and Aga Khan University have signed an MOU that will see the university and county government partner in various projects and more particularly training and research. Below is what Kilifi County governor and Aga Khan university had to say about the partnership. 

Kilifi Governor Gideon Mungaro on the partnership with Aga Khan University

We have signed an MOU to deepen our collaboration with Aga Khan University, formalizing how we will work together to improve health facilities. As mentioned by the previous speaker, one aspect involves Aga Khan University supporting the specialization of our doctors.

They assist doctors who want to specialize in specific areas, and we have already discussed this. Additionally, we engage in various other collaborative initiatives. As seen last week, we conduct training sessions for capacity building among our own medical staff, focusing on enhancing services within the county.

Aga Khan University comment on the collaboration 

Aga Khan has a longstanding partnership with Kilifi County in education and research. This agreement reaffirms the commitment of Aga Khan University to the partnership, and we are now expanding our research projects in the region. These projects aim to add value to the community in TSI County while enhancing capacity in both healthcare and research for our colleagues in Kilifi County.

We anticipate that these projects, co-created between the government and universities, will continue to unfold. This collaborative approach is crucial for maintaining the sustainability of initiatives undertaken by the university in partnership with the government.

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