Nakuru County Statement on reports of drop in revenue collected

Nakuru County Statement on reports of drop in revenue collected

Nakuru County has denied claims that Nakuru County revenue collection for the year 2022/2203 dropped to Ksh. 1.6 billion. The governor says that Nakuru County collected more than Kes 3.1B in 2022/2023 against the misreported revenue of kes 1.6B. Below is part of the statement

Nakuru County Statement on the drop in revenue collected 

The County has recently faced conflicting reporting concerning Actual Source Revenue for the Financial Year 2022/2023. It is our informed position that the purported decline in the actual collection of Ksh. 1.6 billion compared to the previous collection of 3.6 billion remains erroneous.

The correct position remains as follows:

For the Financial Year 2020/2021 Nakuru County Collected a total of 2,822,949,912.55, in 2021/2022 it collected 3,259,072,974.37 while in 2022/2023 it collected 3,144,971,186.23 as indicated in the table above. 

The above information was submitted to the office of the Controller of Budget, the Auditor General and the National Treasury which serves to collaborate and triangulate the authenticity of the information. The County has since brought to the attention of the controller of budget the errors emanating from the 9th month reporting period which has informed the negative public discourse. This was made under the correspondence attached herein. Subsequently, the office of the Controller of Budget acknowledged the error and sought to correct the error vide correspondence, Ref. No.: COB/NKR/002/2/1(72) dated 3rd August, 2023.

The release of the 2022/2023 report by the Office of the Controller of Budget has since rectified the error with the final report incorporating all components of Own Source Revenue as stated above with the actual collection for the financial year reported as 3.1 billion as opposed to 1.6 billion.

It should also be on record that all money collected is evidenced by transfer to the Central Bank and Local Commercial Bank as operated for the purposes of AIA (FIF). The Own Source Revenue will additionally be subject to review and Audit by the Auditor General with subsequent reports being released for the general public consumption through the internet. The Audit of Nakuru County for the Financial Year 2022/2023 has already been undertaken awaiting its official release.

The County, therefore, has continuously strived to improve its Own Source Revenue to actualize its development agenda and enhance service delivery. This is evident by improvement in actual revenue collection in the first half of Financial Year 2023/2024.

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