How to pay for WRA services through eCitizen Platform

How to pay for WRA services through eCitizen Platform

Following the Government's directive on the digitization of Government services, the Water Resources Authority (WRA) has onboarded its citizen-facing services onto the ecitizen Platform. This means that all payments for WRA services must now be channeled through the E-Citizen Platform.

How to pay for Water Resources Authority (WRA) services through eCitizen Portal

To access and pay for WRA services through the E-Citizen Platform, follow these simple steps:

  • 1. Login to E-Citizen Portal
  • 2. Locate Water Resources Authority: Once you are logged in, go to the "Agencies" section and click "View all." You will then navigate to the "Water Resources Authority" page. Follow the "Log in" or "Register" instructions.
  • 3. Registration (If it's your first time): If this is your first time accessing WRA services, click on the "Register" button to initiate the registration process and follow the instructions provided on the right side of the registration page to complete your registration.
  • 4. Access Application Instructions: Upon Registration or Login, locate your desired service under the "All WRA Services" section on the left column. You will find the following categories:

  - Permit Application (Issuance of Authorizations to construct Works; Water Use Permits issuance; Permits renewals applications; Permits variations applications; Application for transfer of water permits; Easement; search of Water Permits; Supplement to Authorization / Supplementary permit; Reissuance of or alteration to Authorizations, Permits and Licenses; Enquiring of Permit status)

  - Other Services (Data sales & Laboratory services)

  - Bills (Water use charges)

  • 5. Fill in Required Information: Upon clicking on the desired services, follow the provided instructions, and submit all the required documents. Then proceed to pay
  • 6. Payment: Once, on the payment page, pay with Mpesa, Credit Card, or any payment option of your choice

For more information, contact the WRA's customer support for assistance through phone number 0700 056472.

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