Govt Measures Taken To Curb Road Accidents in Kenya

Govt Measures Taken To Curb Road Accidents in Kenya

Ministry of Roads and Transport has released a statement highlighting some of the measures the government has taken to curb road accidents in Kenya. Below is what the cabinet secretary for the Ministry of Roads and Transport had to say.

Measures taken to prevent road accidents in Kenya - Ministry of Transport

The country has in recent weeks witnessed spate of road accidents. The latest ones involved Kenyatta University bus and truck in Voi that claimed the lives of students and left 46 others injured on Monday a matatu crash that claimed lives on Migori- Rongo highway today, the matatu-tractor accident on Bomet-Olenguruone Road that took five lives on Monday and the Kapsabet School bus that overturned on Kabarnet- Marigat Road killing teacher and student on Saturday.

This unacceptable. On behalf of the Ministry and myself, wish to extend my heartfelt condolences to the families and friends who have lost their loved ones and wish quick recovery to those who have been injured in the various accidents reported across the country These accidents have caused unimaginable grief and suffering to the victims and their families.

With the support of various state agencies investigations are ongoing to determine the causes of these accidents and appropriate remedial action shall taken.

As Ministry, we remain resolute in our commitment to ensuring safety on our roads in sustainable and comprehensive manner. To effectively prevent deaths on our roads, all stakeholders within the road transport sector must be alive to the fact that road safety shared responsibility, and we must all play our rightful roles. As the Government puts the measures required in place, call upon road users to adopt the highest levels of discipline and engage safe road practices.

We must all observe traffic laws, regulations and common courtesy while behind the wheel. It should be appreciated that life not only precious but irreplaceable

In our road safety management, we continue to formulate road safety policies, implement road safety programs and strategies, create awareness on road safety and enhance the traffic legal regulatory regime. 

Road Safety Programmes in Kenya

In the last two years, the Government has undertaken the following road safety programmes and initiatives;

  • 1. We have progressed the development of the Draft Rules and Regulations on Drunk Driving as well as Operation of Heavy Commercial Vehicles and Motor Vehicle Inspection. The instruments, which are set to be presented to the Parliamentary Committees on Delegated Legislation and Transport within the first week of April, will go long way in addressing both the behavioural and mechanical risks observed on our roads
  • 2 We have finalised the drafting of the School Transport Rules aimed at better regulating and enhancing safety in the transportation of our children. These regulations contain the provisions that will inter alia:-  

a) anchor the usage of vehicular telematic technology (a system that enables close monitoring of vehicle movements from distance) whose standard currently being concluded by the Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS).

b) Make mandatory for those building school buses include material and technology that will protect passengers case of accidents.

c) Introduction of school vehicle attendants for pre-primary and primary school children.

d) Introduction of enhanced safety features of school vehicles including red light indicators stop arms and CCTV.

e) Requirement for the development and implementation of school transport operations policy safer procedures for the operation of school vehicles

  • 3. Following approval from the National Treasury, the Ministry, through NTSA. soon concluding the Public Private Partnership (PPP) arrangement that will result in the implementation of the instant fine system, operationalisation of the demerit point system, driver profiling through the capturing of their driving history and installation of speed enforcement cameras on all major roads and highways. Already, piloting ongoing across the country 
  • 4. The Cabinet has also approved the establishment of the Kenya Transport Accident Investigation Bureau, which will be an independent and autonomous agency for the investigation of road, rail and water transport The Bill currently with the Attorney- General for publication. This Bureau will work independently and thoroughly investigate all transport-related accidents and make recommendations stem the rising fatalities.

As the Ministry continues to implement road safety measures, issue the following directives help bring about sanity on our roads and save lives:

  • 1. Enforcement of Road Safety Laws: Having consulted with my Interior and National Coordination colleague, Prof Kithure Kindiki, we are going establish mechanism where the previous directive to remove NTSA from enforcement will be vacated and a collaborative regime between NTSA and NPS will put place for a more efficient enforcement You will be seeing return of the NTSA working with traffic police enforce traffic safety on our roads as soon possible.
  • 2 Driver Re-Testing: The re-testing of all PSV and Heavy Commercial drivers, that had been postponed after an outcry from the sector, will now be implemented without further delay. All stakeholders are expected comply and cooperate
  • 3. Medical Testing: NTSA to put in place measures for the implementation of medical testing of all drivers as required by Section 105A(1) and (2) and Rule 30(4) of the Traffic (Driving Schools, Driving Instructors and Driving License) Rules 202 before the issuance of any new driving licences and renewal thereof to ensure that only drivers who are medically fit are licensed to drive.
  • 4 Crackdown The National Police Service and NTSA to intensify the ongoing nationwide enforcement and impound all unroadworthy vehicles and those not integrated with the intelligent road safety management system for transmission of speed limiter data In conclusion, we approach the Easter festivities and closing of schools we shall working closely with the NPS and monitoring the enforcement of traffic laws and regulations urge all road users be cautious about their safety and the safety of others prevent the needless loss of lives.

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