Govt launches Crackdown on Unlicensed Veterinary Services

Govt launches Crackdown on Unlicensed Veterinary Services

The Kenya Veterinary Board has issued a notice to all veterinary practitioners and services providers in Kenya to ensure that they have submitted their licences to the board for verification. This comes as the government launches a crackdown on illegal trade drugs.

Government Crackdown on Unlicensed Veterinary Services

In a statement released on March 6, 2024, the Board cited sections of the Veterinary Surgeons and Veterinary Paraprofessionals (VSVP) Act which state that all veterinary surgeons and paraprofessionals must be registered and obtain an annual license before engaging in private practice. 

"No person shall practice as a veterinary surgeon or paraprofessional or take up employment unless they are registered and licensed under this Act," said Dr. Mary T. Agutu, the Registrar of the Kenya Veterinary Board.

Veterinary services licenses verification - notice

The Board has given a 30-day deadline for all licensed veterinary facilities to submit their current licenses for verification. Veterinary facilities that fail to do so will be deemed unlicensed and lose their license.

Additionally, board has warned that any licensed veterinarian found dispensing prescription drugs without a proper prescription will be in violation of the VSVP Act, its regulations, and the code of ethics. Such violators face having their registration revoked by the Board.

This crackdown is part of a new government initiative announced on March 6th aimed at eradicating illicit brews as well as the trade and abuse of illegal drugs.

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