KRA launches simplified eTIMS dubbed eTIMS Lite

KRA launches simplified eTIMS dubbed eTIMS Lite

Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) has today announced the launch of a simplified eTIMS systems called eTIMS Lite. The platform targets the informal sector and small businesses. Below is KRA's statement about the eTIMS lite solution.

KRA eTIMS Lite - Informal and Small Businesses

Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) would like to remind the public that all persons carrying on business including those in the Informal Sector and Small Businesses are required to electronically generate and transmit their invoices to KRA via the electronic Tax Invoice Management System (eTIMS).

KRA remains committed to continue supporting and facilitating all taxpayers to comply with the requirements of the law by adopting a facilitative and collaborative approach to tax compliance. To this end, we have availed eTIMS simplified solutions dubbed "eTIMS Lite" for non-VAT registered taxpayers These solutions are accessible through the eCitizen platforms via "222# for the USSD invoicing solution and for the web-based invoicing solution.

In addition to the roll out of the simplified eTIMS solutions, KRA has also made concerted efforts towards publicity, awareness and tax literacy through continuous stakeholder engagements and taxpayer education targeted at players in the informal sector who include farmers, jua kali traders and artisans amongst others. KRA has partnered with the informal sector representative groups and associations to facilitate direct support to taxpayers in these sectors to on board eTIMS.

KRA wishes to invite taxpayers and representative bodies who may experience challenges adopting the existing solutions to reach out to further explore solutions tailored to cater for their specific needs. One such consideration is the reverse invoicing solution where a seller can/may give consent or authority to the buyer to issue invoices on their behalf.

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