Education Bill Introduces Laws on Sponsoring Schools in Kenya

Education Bill Introduces Laws on Sponsoring Schools in Kenya

The Education Bill, 2024 has introduced new laws that seek to prohibit the sponsoring of schools without approval from the CS Ministry of Education or the county education board.

Laws on Sponsoring Schools in Kenya - Education Bill

PART XIV OF The Education Bill, 2024 on Sponsorships indicates that any person or institution that intends to sponsor a basic education institution must give notice to the county education board.

The county education board in consultation with the Ministry of Education cabinet secretary may approve or reject such request. If the request is approved, the county education board will be required to enter a framework agreement on how the sponsorship will be executed.

The cabinet secretary is also required to make regulations that guide the recognition and documentation of the contributions made by a sponsor.

Basic education institutions comprise both public and private institutions. Basic Education on the other hand refers to pre-primary, primary, junior school, and senior school.

The new laws do not however clearly state the penalty of sponsoring basic education schools without government involvement or approval.

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