Lawyers to Boycott and Protest over Huduma Centre Court Services

Lawyers to Boycott and Protest over Huduma Centre Court Services

Law Society of Kenya (LSK) has issued a notice for a countrywide boycott and protest against the rollout of judiciary desks (court services) at Huduma Center over what the society says is a lack of public participation in implementing the services. 

Lawyers to Boycott and protest over offering Court Services in Huduma Centre - Notice

On 24th January, 2024, the Judiciary announced the rollout of Judiciary Desks at Huduma Centres. Further, through the Huduma Centre Website, the announcement outlined the services to be offered at six (6) specific Huduma Centres which include filing new cases, documents in existing cases, various court processes requests, issuance of mention dates, general case inquiries, e-filing support, payment of fines and deposits and virtual court support.

In response to this development and after holding an online consultative forum / /Baraza, members of the Law Society of Kenya expressed unanimous concerns regarding the negative implications of this decision. Subsequently, the consensus among our members was that the rollout of Judiciary Desks at Huduma Centres required comprehensive consultation with relevant stakeholders, particularly the LSK, before its implementation. Members further resolved to petition the Judiciary to halt the rollout of Judiciary Desks at Huduma Centres within seven (7) days, to facilitate meaningful consultations.

On 6th February 2024, the LSK petitioned the Judiciary as per the resolution of the consultative forum. However, despite our efforts to engage in constructive dialogue, the Judiciary remains unresponsive.

After extensive deliberations between the LSK Council and the Branch Chair Caucus and in light of the fact that the Judiciary is scheduled to launch the Operationalization of Judiciary Desks at Huduma Centres, we call upon our members, effective Monday, 4th March, 2024, to:

  • Boycott the provision of services to all courts and attendance to matters pending before them; and
  • Return all pro bono files to the relevant court stations, on the same day.

Should the Judiciary continue to disregard our petition, fail to initiate meaningful consultations within 7 days and/or proceed to launch the Judiciary desks at the various Huduma Centres, the LSK shall be compelled to organize countrywide protests, planned to coincide with the date the Honorable Chief Justice intends to conduct the national launch of the Judiciary Desks at the Huduma Centres.

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