Best Courier Companies in Kenya for Local Deliveries

Looking to have your parcel or product delivered from Nairobi to a town in any county? Based on our findings, below is a list of the best courier companies in Kenya for local deliveries.

Posta Kenya

Posta is a government-owned courier services provider. It is recommended if you are looking for an affordable option to send your parcels.

Posta Kenya


G4S is one of the most reputable private security in Kenya and Globally. G4S also offers courier services with delivery to almost every county in Kenya. G4S is the most recommended delivery service provider for business and sensitive documents.


Fargo Courier

Fargo Courier is a company that offers delivery services across the country. It was established by the private security company Wells Fargo. If you run an eCommerce or online business, Fargo Courier is the most reliable delivery service provider that you should partner with.

Fargo Courier

Newspaper Transporters Limited (NTL)

Newspaper Transporters Limited (NTL) offers transportation of newspapers for The standard group and Nation Media. They also offer other courier-related services.

Newspaper Transporters Limited (NTL)

Tez logistics

Tez logistics helps in delivery of packages and parcel within Nairobi. They also offer services like messenger and transport.

Tez logistics

In addition to the popular courier service providers listed above, some long-distance PSV Saccos like Eassy Coach, Guardian Coach, Mash Poa, 2NK Sacco, Channia, Eldoret Shuttle, Garissa Coach, Mololine, North Rift Shuttle, Rembo Shuttle, Premium Shuttles are also licensed by the CA as courier operators. Therefore, you might want to check if the Sacco that operates in your local town offers delivery services.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Courier Service Provider

  • Price: Compare prices of the service providers and pick the cheapest and most reliable.
  • Delivery Location: Find out if the courier company can deliver products to the outskirts of major cities in Kenya.
  • Time: Look for a courier provider that offers same-day delivery or at most within 48 hours.


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