+1 vote
in Huduma Centre by
I am resident of Kisumu-Nyakach sub county. I applied for an Huduma Number. I an currently in Mombasa county. How will I get my card while still in Mombasa.Kindly let me know.

Thanks and regards.

1 Answer

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by (47.6k points)
Once Huduma Number cards are ready for the place of Birth County you selected during registration, you will receive a text message (sms) with a link which you are supposed to click and select place of collection.

Later, you will receive another sms to collect your huduma number card for the place you had selected.

For more information, you can contact Huduma Namba through 0800221111
I applied mine at malindi but they send it at makueni
Am trying to use the link but hai work
Plz assist

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