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What are the finishing processes carried out during laundry?

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by (47.6k points)

Finishing processes carried out during laundry include;

  • Ironing – moving a hot iron to and fro/remove creases and kill germs on an article until all areas are removed.
  • Damping – introducing moisture to the dry article to be ironed to make ironing easier.
  • Pressing – placing a warm iron on a garment, lifting and placing it on the next portion until the whole article is pressed to remove creases and kill germs.
  • Airing – hanging ironed clothes for some minutes/remove any traces of dampness before storage for complete dryness/remove smells.
  • Folding /hanging – preparing clothes for storage/prevent creases/fit into storage.
  • Mangling – folding of towels and pressing them between a mangle, roller/storage. 

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