0 votes
in KRA by (23 points)
I am not a Kenyan citizen, non-resident and based overseas who invested in Stock Marker company shares for past 20 years. I was informed that I will not be able to withdraw funds from my Kenyan bank account without a KRA PIN.

I was informed that I need to go through a Tax Agent to apply for a PIN which might mean payment for the services. I was wondering whether I can apply for the PIN without get a Tax Agent involved?

If it is compulsory to get a Tax Agent involved then kindly let me have the email address & contact details of two to three Tax Agents.

Thank you.

1 Answer

0 votes
by (47.6k points)
KRA pin is required. One of the recommended KRA tax agents is Akkadian Solutions. You can contact them through phone number +254710195170 or +254725370011.

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