+2 votes
in KNEC by
I want to reset my cp2.knec.ac.ke account password but I have no idea how to do it. What is the procedure of receiving the sms?

1 Answer

0 votes
by (47.6k points)

To reset your cp2.knec.ac.ke account login password, follow the procedure below.

  • Go to: https://cp2.knec.ac.ke/
  • Click reset password link
  • Enter the phone number you used during registration in this format (2547******). Do not just enter (07******)
  • The click reset password
  • Your will receive an SMS with login details
What about account username .can i change it?
Can't receive sms
trying to reset my password, no message in my phone
I can't access the email they are sending the code to.How can I change it?
I have tried to reset the password but l have not received the sms

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