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Recommendation of the best pressure brands in Kenya

2 Answers

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by (47.6k points)
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Best answer
The best pressure cooker brands in Kenya are Von Pressure Cooker, Nutricook Smart Pot Pressure Cooker, and Kanchan Pressure Cooker.

You can buy the pressure cookers we have mentioned from Carrefour supermarket
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There are 3 general types of pressure cookers available in the Kenyan market. First-generation pressure cookers; are traditional pressure cookers that make a lot of whistling noise.

Secondly, there are second-generation pressure cookers; these are an improvement of the first generation, they make less noise and have improved safety measures.

Lastly, we have the modern electric pressure cookers; these come with multiple functions and are completely safe to use, some electric pressure cooker brands include Ramtons, Mika, Nunix, among others.

You can find them on Jumia

Learn more about the best pressure cookers in Kenya here.

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