
Schools in Bomet County, RIF

Primary Schools
Nyakesu Primary is a public boys and girls primary school that is located in Konoin Constituency, Bomet County.

Konoin - Bomet County, RIF
Primary Schools
Kiptemenio Primary is a public boys and girls primary school that is located in Konoin Constituency, Bomet County.

Konoin - Bomet County, RIF
Primary Schools
Chemelet Primary is a public boys and girls primary school that is located in Konoin Constituency, Bomet County.

Konoin - Bomet County, RIF
Primary Schools
Kipraisi Primary is a public boys and girls primary school that is located in Konoin Constituency, Bomet County.

Konoin - Bomet County, RIF
Primary Schools
Kapcheprotwa Primary is a public boys and girls primary school that is located in Konoin Constituency, Bomet County.

Konoin - Bomet County, RIF
Primary Schools
Kapchepkole Primary is a public boys and girls primary school that is located in Konoin Constituency, Bomet County.

Konoin - Bomet County, RIF
Primary Schools
Kabiangek Primary is a public boys and girls primary school that is located in Konoin Constituency, Bomet County.

Konoin - Bomet County, RIF
Primary Schools
Cheptabaach Primary is a public boys and girls primary school that is located in Konoin Constituency, Bomet County.

Konoin - Bomet County, RIF
Primary Schools
Kaptebengwo Primary is a public boys and girls primary school that is located in Konoin Constituency, Bomet County.

Konoin - Bomet County, RIF
Primary Schools
Kapsir Primary is a public boys and girls primary school that is located in Konoin Constituency, Bomet County.

Konoin - Bomet County, RIF
Primary Schools
Kapsebetet Primary is a public boys and girls primary school that is located in Konoin Constituency, Bomet County.

Konoin - Bomet County, RIF
Primary Schools
Kenyagoro Primary is a public boys and girls primary school that is located in Konoin Constituency, Bomet County.

Konoin - Bomet County, RIF
Primary Schools
Kebumbur Primary is a public boys and girls primary school that is located in Konoin Constituency, Bomet County.

Konoin - Bomet County, RIF
Primary Schools
Kipkelok Primary is a public boys and girls primary school that is located in Konoin Constituency, Bomet County.

Konoin - Bomet County, RIF
Primary Schools
Chemaan Primary is a public boys and girls primary school that is located in Konoin Constituency, Bomet County.

Konoin - Bomet County, RIF
Primary Schools
Boito Primary is a public boys and girls primary school that is located in Konoin Constituency, Bomet County.

Konoin - Bomet County, RIF
Primary Schools
Kimari Primary is a public boys and girls primary school that is located in Konoin Constituency, Bomet County.

Konoin - Bomet County, RIF
Primary Schools
Kiptiget Primary is a public boys and girls primary school that is located in Konoin Constituency, Bomet County.

Konoin - Bomet County, RIF
Primary Schools
Sangwa Primary is a public boys and girls primary school that is located in Konoin Constituency, Bomet County.

Konoin - Bomet County, RIF
Primary Schools
Chebwongo Primary is a public boys and girls primary school that is located in Konoin Constituency, Bomet County.

Konoin - Bomet County, RIF