
Secondary Schools in Nyanza

Secondary Schools
Kiabiraa Secondary School is a mixed public secondary school in Kenya that is located in Kitutu Masaba Constituency, Nyamira County. Kiabiraa Secondary School is a County School.

Kitutu Masaba - Nyamira County, NYA
Secondary Schools
Kerongeta Secondary School is a mixed public secondary school in Kenya that is located in Kitutu Masaba Constituency, Nyamira County. Kerongeta Secondary School is a Sub-county School.

Kitutu Masaba - Nyamira County, NYA
Secondary Schools
Kenyoro ELCK Secondary School is a mixed public secondary school in Kenya that is located in North Mugirango Constituency, Nyamira County. Kenyoro ELCK Secondary School is a Sub-County School.

North Mugirango - Nyamira County, NYA
Secondary Schools
Kenguso Secondary School is a mixed public secondary school in Kenya that is located in North Mugirango Constituency, Nyamira County. Kenguso Secondary School is a County School.

North Mugirango - Nyamira County, NYA
Secondary Schools
Kemasare Secondary School is a mixed public secondary school in Kenya that is located in West Mugirango Constituency, Nyamira County. Kemasare Secondary School is a County School.

West Mugirango - Nyamira County, NYA
Secondary Schools
Keginga Secondary School is a mixed public secondary school in Kenya that is located in Borabu Constituency, Nyamira County. Keginga Secondary School is a County School.

Borabu - Nyamira County, NYA
Secondary Schools
Kebirigo Boys Secondary School is a boys public secondary school in Kenya that is located in West Mugirango Constituency, Nyamira County. Kebirigo Boys Secondary School is a County School.
West Mugirango - Nyamira County, NYA
Secondary Schools
Kebirichi Secondary School is a mixed public secondary school in Kenya that is located in Kitutu Masaba Constituency, Nyamira County. Kebirichi Secondary School is a County School.

Kitutu Masaba - Nyamira County, NYA
Secondary Schools
Kebabe Girls Secondary School is a girls public secondary school in Kenya that is located in North Mugirango Constituency, Nyamira County. Kebabe Girls Secondary School is a County School.

North Mugirango - Nyamira County, NYA
Secondary Schools
Kea SDA Secondary School is a mixed public secondary school in Kenya that is located in North Mugirango Constituency, Nyamira County. Kea SDA Secondary School is a County School.

North Mugirango - Nyamira County, NYA
Secondary Schools
Karantini Secondary School is a mixed public secondary school in Kenya that is located in Kitutu Masaba Constituency, Nyamira County. Karantini Secondary School is a County School.

Kitutu Masaba - Nyamira County, NYA
Secondary Schools
Itumbe SDA Secondary School is a mixed public secondary school in Kenya that is located in Borabu Constituency, Nyamira County. Itumbe SDA Secondary School is a County School.

Borabu - Nyamira County, NYA
Secondary Schools
Irianyi Secondary School is a mixed public secondary school in Kenya that is located in Kitutu Masaba Constituency, Nyamira County. Irianyi Secondary School is a Sub-county School.

Kitutu Masaba - Nyamira County, NYA
Secondary Schools
Ikonge SDA Secondary School is a mixed public secondary school in Kenya that is located in Kitutu Masaba Constituency, Nyamira County. Ikonge SDA Secondary School is a County School.

Kitutu Masaba - Nyamira County, NYA
Secondary Schools
Ikonge PAG Secondary School is a mixed public secondary school in Kenya that is located in North Mugirango Constituency, Nyamira County. Ikonge PAG Secondary School is a County School.

North Mugirango - Nyamira County, NYA
Secondary Schools
Ikonge Boys Secondary School is a boys public secondary school in Kenya that is located in North Mugirango Constituency, Nyamira County. Ikonge Boys Secondary School is a County School.

North Mugirango - Nyamira County, NYA
Secondary Schools
Ikobe Secondary School is a mixed public secondary school in Kenya that is located in Kitutu Masaba Constituency, Nyamira County. Ikobe Secondary School is a County School.

Kitutu Masaba - Nyamira County, NYA
Secondary Schools
Ikamu Secondary School is a mixed public secondary school in Kenya that is located in North Mugirango Constituency, Nyamira County. Ikamu Secondary School is a County School.

North Mugirango - Nyamira County, NYA
Secondary Schools
Gucha Sda Mixed Secondary School is a mixed public secondary school in Kenya that is located in West Mugirango Constituency, Nyamira County. Gucha Sda Mixed Secondary School is a County School.

West Mugirango - Nyamira County, NYA
Secondary Schools
Glory Secondary School is a mixed private secondary school in Kenya that is located in North Mugirango Constituency, Nyamira County. Glory Secondary School is a County School.

North Mugirango - Nyamira County, NYA