
Primary Schools in Marsabit County, NE

Primary Schools
Balesa Primary is a public boys and girls primary school that is located in North Horr Constituency, Marsabit County.

North Horr - Marsabit County, NE
Primary Schools
Tigo Primary is a public boys and girls primary school that is located in North Horr Constituency, Marsabit County.

North Horr - Marsabit County, NE
Primary Schools
Gas Primary is a public boys and girls primary school that is located in North Horr Constituency, Marsabit County.

North Horr - Marsabit County, NE
Primary Schools
Forolle Primary is a public boys and girls primary school that is located in North Horr Constituency, Marsabit County.

North Horr - Marsabit County, NE
Primary Schools
El-Isakomala Primary is a public boys and girls primary school that is located in North Horr Constituency, Marsabit County.

North Horr - Marsabit County, NE
Primary Schools
Dukana Girls Primary is a public girls primary school that is located in North Horr Constituency, Marsabit County.

North Horr - Marsabit County, NE
Primary Schools
Dukana Primary is a public boys and girls primary school that is located in North Horr Constituency, Marsabit County.

North Horr - Marsabit County, NE
Primary Schools
Maikona Primary is a public boys and girls primary school that is located in North Horr Constituency, Marsabit County.

North Horr - Marsabit County, NE
Primary Schools
Garwolle Primary is a public boys and girls primary school that is located in North Horr Constituency, Marsabit County.

North Horr - Marsabit County, NE
Primary Schools
Malabot Primary is a public boys and girls primary school that is located in North Horr Constituency, Marsabit County.

North Horr - Marsabit County, NE
Primary Schools
North – Horr Primary is a public boys and girls primary school that is located in North Horr Constituency, Marsabit County.

North Horr - Marsabit County, NE
Primary Schools
El-Gade Primary is a public boys and girls primary school that is located in North Horr Constituency, Marsabit County.

North Horr - Marsabit County, NE
Primary Schools
El-Hadi Primary is a public boys and girls primary school that is located in North Horr Constituency, Marsabit County.

North Horr - Marsabit County, NE
Primary Schools
Shurr Primary is a public boys and girls primary school that is located in North Horr Constituency, Marsabit County.

North Horr - Marsabit County, NE
Primary Schools
Hurri Hills Primary is a public boys and girls primary school that is located in North Horr Constituency, Marsabit County.

North Horr - Marsabit County, NE
Primary Schools
Kalacha Nomadic Girls Primary is a public girls primary school that is located in North Horr Constituency, Marsabit County.

North Horr - Marsabit County, NE
Primary Schools
Kalacha Primary is a public boys and girls primary school that is located in North Horr Constituency, Marsabit County.

North Horr - Marsabit County, NE
Primary Schools
Rage Primary is a public boys and girls primary school that is located in North Horr Constituency, Marsabit County.

North Horr - Marsabit County, NE
Primary Schools
Qorqa Primary is a public boys and girls primary school that is located in North Horr Constituency, Marsabit County.

North Horr - Marsabit County, NE
Primary Schools
Ruso Primary is a public boys and girls primary school that is located in North Horr Constituency, Marsabit County.

North Horr - Marsabit County, NE